Section Code 0682 : Spout outlets.
Back To Directory SectionsSpout outlets having EPDM ‘o’ rings and a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C
Spout outlet with brass body (various finishes) incorporating a plastic spray outlet. Maximum operating temperature 70°C.
Range of combined bath filler, waste and overflow assemblies (plastic body - various finishes). The outlets incorporate plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of deck mounted (fixed) spout outlets with stainless steel bodies NBR ‘O’-rings and a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted spout outlet having a chorme plated brass body with infrared sensor. No flow control option is supplied with this product, Maximum working pressure 10.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C
Open outlet use only. The 47 412 xxx must be installed with a cover plate to maintain the validity of this approval. Cover plates for this model are not supplied and must be purchased separately
Wall mounted bath spout outlets having brass bodies (chromium plated or supersteel finish) with a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted bath spout with a brass body, available in different various finishes. The outlet incorporates a flow straightener. Maximum operating temperature 60°C
Deck mounted spout outlet with chromium plated brass body incorporating a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted spout outlet (chromium plated brass) incorporating a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted, fixed, tub spout (chromium plated brass), with a plastic flow straightener incorporated into the outlet. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of wall and deck mounted spout outlets (brass body with various finishes), incorporating a plastic aerator (19 415 xxx model) or an aerator comprising of a plastic housing and rubber aerator outlet (all other models with the exception of the 10 426 xxx model). Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Deck mounted spout outlet (brass body with various finishes), incorporating a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted waterfall type spout outlet having a brass body (chromium plated) NBR ‘O’-rings and stainless steel mesh at the outlet. Maximum operating temperature 60°C
Floor mounted, fixed, bath spout outlet (chromium plated brass), outlet incorporates a plastic aerator. The product is designed for installation with specifically designed floor mountings. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of spout outlets with brass bodies (various finishes, see model) incorporating NBR ‘O’-rings. Supplied with optional plastic aerator or flow straightener. Maximum operating temperature 85°C.
Wall mounted spout outlet (various finished brass, see model). The spout outlet incorporates a plastic aerator. Maximum working pressure 10.0 Bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of basin spout outlets with brass bodies (various finishes), the outlet incorporates either a metal or plastic aerator. Maximum working pressure 3.5 bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted spout outlet with chromium plated brass body and EPDM ‘O’-rings. Incorporating a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of spout outlets with brass bodies (various finishes), spouts are fitted with either a plastic aerator or a flow straightener. Model E-8555-yy has nothing fitted. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of wall mounted spout outlets (chromium plated brass) incorporating a plastic flow regulator at the inlet. Model 13800670 incorporates a plastic aerator at the outlet. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Floor standing spout outlet (chromium plated brass) and concealed body (cast brass body) Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of spout outlets with brass bodies (various finishes), EPDM ‘O’-rings and a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted bath spout incorporating a brass body (various finishes) and a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted spout outlet (various finishes, see model) incorporating a plastic flow straightener. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Bath spout with a brass body (chromium plated). The spout outlet incorporates a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of spout outlets incorporating brass bodies and NBR ‘O’-rings. The spout outlets incorporate a plastic flow straightener. Models AX-SIR-140/RO/DIV and AX-BOK-140/SQ/DIV incorporate a self-cancelling diverter. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted fixed spout outlet (chromium plated brass) with a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C
Wall mounted bath spout outlet with a brass body (chrome plated) and a plastic aerator. The spout outlet are supplied with a single lever type operating member. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted bath spout outlet incorporating a brass body (chromium plated) and a plastic aerator. The product is supplied with a single lever type operating member. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted spout outlet incorporating brass body (chrome plated) and NBR ‘O’-rings. Maximum working pressure 10.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 85°C.
Bath spout with brass body (chromium plated). The outlet incorporates a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of wall mounted (swivel) spout outlets with chromium plated brass bodies, EDPM ‘O’-rings and a plastic flow straightener. DJ suffix models have a double swivel arm. Maximum operating temperature 65°C.
Bath spout outlet with a brass body (various finishes) and a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of deck mounted spout outlets (chrome plated brass). The spout incorporates a plastic flow regulator on the inlet and a plastic aerator on the outlet. Maximum working temperature 60°C.
Range of wall mounted basin spouts (chromium plated brass). The spout incorporates a plastic flow regulator on the inlet and a plastic aerator on the outlet. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted bath spout outlet incorporating a brass body (chromium plated) and a plastic flow straightener. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted, spout outlet (brass body with various finishes - see model) incorporating a plastic aerator. The inlet incorporates an approved single check valve cartridge, however, the complete assembly has not been tested to demonstrate that it provides back flow protection. Maximum working pressure 5.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of spout outlets incorporating stainless steel bodies (various finishes) and a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of wall mounted spout outlets incorporating brass bodies (various finishes) & plastic aerators. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Spout outlet with a brass body (chrome plated). The spout outlet incorporates a combined plastic flow regulator and aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of wall mounted spout outlets with brass bodies (chrome plated). Product is supplied with various operating members and pop up click waste. Maximum working pressure 5.5 bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted waterfall, bath spout (chromium plated brass), incorporating a flow regulator on the inlet and stainless-steel strainer at the spout outlet. Maximum operating temperature 80°C. Open outlet use only
Range of wall mounted spout outlets, (brass bodies with various finishes) incorporating a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature: 60°C
Range of wall mounted spout outlets incorporating brass bodies (various finishes) and plastic flow straighteners. Maximum working pressure 5.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 65°C
Range of basin spout outlets with brass bodies (various finishes), the outlet incorporates either a metal aerators, plastic aerators or open outlet (depending on model). Maximum working pressure 3.5 bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C
Range of wall mounted spout outlets with either stainless steel or brass bodies (various finishes - see model), incorporating a plastic aerator and EPDM ‘O’-rings. Maximum working temperature 60°C.
Range of spout outlets (chromium plated) brass bodies. Model 13 800 782 incorporates a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C
Range of wall mounted spout outlets with a chromium plated brass bodies and NBR ‘O’-rings. The outlets incorporate a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 85°C.
Range of wall mounted spout outlets (brass bodies, various finishes) incorporating a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
A range of spout outlets with PVC lined stainless steel interlocked tube covered by silica gel. Model WD-PVC-09-10 is a double outlet. Maximum working temperature 65°C.
Wall mounted spout outlet (brass body, various finishes - see model) incorporating a plastic aerator. Maximum working pressure 10.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of spout outlets with brass bodies (chrome or gold effect finish), incorporating an aerator in the spout outlet. Open outlet use, maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted spout outlet (brass body, various finishes) incorporating a plastic aerator. Maximum working pressure 10 Bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C Maximum working pressure 10.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of wall mounted spout outlets incorporating chrome plated brass bodies (model F2929.WR & F2418.WR) or a stainless-steel body (model F2944INOX.WR). The outlets incorporate a plastic flow straightener (model F2929.WR) or a plastic aerator (models F2418.WR & F2944INOX.WR) Maximum working pressure 5.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of deck mounted spout outlets incorporating chrome plated brass body (model F2158.WR) or a stainless-steel body (model F2943INOX.WR). The outlets incorporate a plastic flow straightener. Maximum working pressure 5.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted spout with a brass body (chrome plated). The spout outlet incorporates a TPE gasket. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of wall mounted spout outlets incorporating chrome plated brass bodies (models CPHSP2929, ZCPHSP2929, CPHMA2418 & ZCPHMA2418) or a stainless-steel body (models CPHSP2944SS & ZCPHSP2944SS). The outlets incorporate a plastic flow straightener (models CPHSP2929 & ZCPHSP2929) or a plastic aerator (models CPHMA2418, ZCPHMA2418, CPHSP2944SS & ZCPHSP2944SS) Maximum working pressure 5.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of deck mounted spout outlets incorporating chrome plated brass body (models CPHSP2158 & ZCPHSP2158) or a stainless-steel body (models CPHSP2943SS & ZCPHSP2943SS). The outlets incorporate a plastic flow straightener. Maximum working pressure 5.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted spout outlet (chromium plated brass) incorporating a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C, open outlet use only.
Range of brass spout outlets with various finishes (see model). The products incorporate plastic flow straighteners. Maximum operating temperature 60.0°C
Spout outlet with brass body, incorporating aerator, available in different finishes. Maximum operating temperature 65°C.
Range of three-hole, single outlet wall mounted spout outlets with trim sets and operating members (chrome plated brass) incorporating a plastic aerator. Model PT05LS is supplied with cross-top operating members. Model PT06LS is supplied with single-lever operating members. Products are supplied with a click type pop up waste, (verified by test). Maximum operating temperature 65°C
Range of wall mounted spout outlets with stainless steel bodies incorporating plastic aerators. Maximum operating temperature 60°C
Wall mounted, bath spout outlet (chromium plated brass) incorporating a plastic flow straightener. Maximum operating temperature 60°C. Max operating pressure 5.0 bar.
Range of floor mounted spout outlets (stainless steel or brass body various finishes) incorporating a plastic aerator. Maximum working pressure: Open outlet use only Maximum operating temperature: 60.0°C
Chrome plated spout outlet. The spout outlet incorporates a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 65°C.
Bath spout (brass body, various finishes - see model) incorporating a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted spout outlet brass body (various finishes) incorporating plastic flow straightener. The inlet incorporates an approved check valve cartridge; however, the complete product has not been fully tested to demonstrate it provides backflow protection.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 60°C
Range of wall mounted brass bodied spout outlets (various finishes, see model) incorporating a plastic aerator. Maximum working pressure 10.0 Bar
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 60°C
Wall mounted spout outlet, (brass body, various finishes – see model).
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 65°C
Range of wall mounted or floor standing spout outlets (fixed or swivel - see model, chromium plated brass). All models incorporate a plastic flow straightener, except for the 93-6106-01 model which has a plastic aerator.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 60°C
Range of deck mounted spout outlets (fixed or swivel - see model, chromium plated brass) incorporating a plastic flow straightener. The products are supplied with metal backnuts.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 60°C
Range of swivel spout outlets with brass or stainless-steel bodies supplied in various finishes (see model). The products also incorporate a plastic aerator. Maximum working pressure 10.0 Bar.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 60°C
Wall mounted spout outlet with brass body (various finishes) incorporating a plastic aerator. Open outlet use only.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 60°C
Range of spout outlets with (brass bodies - various finishes), incorporating an plastic aerator. Maximum working pressure 10.0 Bar
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 60°C
Range of wall mounted fixed spout outlets (brass or stainless-steel bodies – various finishes). Incorporating a self-cancelling diverter to shower outlet with a dome type operating member and a plastic aerator at the outlet. Most models are supplied with shower hose and handset. T2 models are not supplied with a shower handset.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 65°C
Range of swivel spout outlets (brass or stainless-steel bodies - various finishes), incorporating plastic aerators.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 60°C
Basin spout outlet with a brass body (chromium plated brass) incorporating a plastic flow straightener. The product is supplied with a metal back nut. Maximum working pressure 5.0 bar.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 65°C
Range of wall mounted spout outlets, (brass bodies – various finishes) incorporating a plastic aerator. The products are supplied with cross top or lever type operating members and a click-type waste.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 65°C
Range of wall mounted spout outlets (chrome plated brass bodies). Incorporating plastic aerators. Models FLTS80 & PTTS82 incorporate NBR ‘O’-rings and washers.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 85°C
Wall mounted spout outlet (brass body – various finishes) incorporating a plastic flow straightener. The inlet incorporates an approved check valve cartridge however, the complete product has not been fully tested to demonstrate it provides backflow protection. Maximum operating temperature 60.0°C
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 60°C
Wall mounted spout outlet with chromium plated brass body incorporating a plastic flow regulator on the inlet and a plastic strainer at the outlet. Open outlet use only.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 60°C
Range of wall mounted spouts (chrome plated brass) with a plastic aerator at the outlet. Open outlet use only.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 60°C
Five-hole, single outlet (fixed) combination tap assembly (brass body - various finishes), incorporating quarter turn ceramic disc headworks with cube type operating members and a manually operated diverter to the shower outlet. The product is supplied with stainless-steel braided EPDM lined flexible connection hoses to connect the headworks, spout and diverter. Maximum working pressure 5.0 Bar.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 60°C
Deck mounted, swivel spout outlet with a chromium plated brass body, incorporating a plastic aerator at the outlet. Open outlet use only.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 60°C
Wall mounted spout outlet (chrome plated brass body) incorporating plastic aerator.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 60°C
Spout outlet, (chrome plated brass body) incorporating EPDM ‘O’ rings. The outlet incorporates a plastic flow straightener.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 50°C
Range of wall mounted spouts with a brass body (various finishes, see model). The outlet incorporates a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature - 60°C
Spout outlet consisting of a chromium plated brass body, plastic aerator and EPDM ‘O’ rings. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Combined bath filler and overflow waste assembly with plastic bodies (various finishes).The outlet incorporates an approved check valve cartridge however, the complete product has not been fully tested to demonstrate it provides backflow protection. The product incorporates click type pop-up waste (verified by test). Open outlet use only. For domestic use IRN R160 applies. For non-domestic use IRN R090 applies. Maximum operating temperature 45°C.
Wall mounted spout assembly, (brass body – various finishes), incorporating a plastic aerator. Maximum working pressure 10.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 65°C.
Range of wall-mounted spout outlet consisting of a brass body with various finishes, plastic aerator and EPDM ‘O’ rings. Maximum working pressure 10.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Wall mounted spout outlet, (brass body - various finishes) incorporating a plastic flow straightener. Maximum working pressure 5.0 Bar
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 60°C
A range of wall mounted spout outlets with chromium plated brass or stainless steel bodies, incorporating plastic aerators or flow straighteners at the outlet. Open outlet use only.
Range of floor mounted, fixed, spout outlets (brass bodies – various finishes), incorporating plastic aerators. The product is designed for installation with 10 452 180 rough-in set.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 60°C
Range of wall mounted spout outlets (chrome plated brass bodies), incorporating plastic aerators. Maximum operating temperature 60°C
Floor mounted, spout outlet, (brass body- various finishes) incorporating a plastic flow straightener. Maximum working pressure 65.0 Bar
Range of spout outlets, (brass bodies - various finishes). Models PSH088 YY & PSH021 YY incorporate plastic flow straighteners, other models incorporate a plastic aerator. The products are supplied with metal back nuts. Maximum operating temperature 65.0°C
Deck mounted spout outlet, (brass body – various finishes). Maximum operating temperature 65.0°C
Wall mounted basin and bath spout outlets (brass bodies – various finishes). The spout outlet incorporates a plastic flow straightener or aerator. Maximum operating temperature 65.0°C
Range of spout outlets, (brass bodies – various finishes) incorporating a plastic aerator, flow straightener or an open outlet type spout outlet (see models). Maximum operating temperature 65.0°C
Range of spout outlets, (brass bodies – various finishes) incorporating an aerator or flow straightener (see models). Maximum operating temperature 65.0°C
Range of single hole, single outlet (fixed) combination tap assemblies (various finishes - see model). Electronic controls on the left-hand side of the body allow the tap to dispense one or more of the following (model specification dependent): ambient, near boiling, chilled or sparkling water. The spout incorporates a plastic aerator on the Sparkling/Ambient/Chilled outlet, and a separate outlet for the near boiling water. All models incorporate a vent outlet within the tap spout for the near-boiling water circuit. Near-boiling circuit has a maximum operating temperature of 98°C. All other circuits have a maximum operating temperature of 65°C.
Range of (swivel) spout outlets (brass bodies – various finishes) incorporating plastic aerators. Maximum operating temperature 65.0°C
Range of deck mounted swivel spout outlets (brass bodies – chrome plated) incorporating aplastic flow straightener. The products are supplied with plastic back nuts. Maximum working pressure 5.0 bar Maximum operating temperature 60.0°C
Range of single hole, single outlet (fixed) combination tap assemblies (various finishes - see model). Electronic controls on the left-hand side of the body allow the tap to dispense one or more of the following (model specification dependent): boiling, chilled or sparkling water. Ambient (hot and cold) water is controlled via a ceramic cartridge headwork with a single lever operating member. The spout incorporates a plastic aerator on the Sparkling/Chilled and the Ambient outlet, and a separate outlet for the boiling water. Both model ranges incorporate a vent outlet within the tap spout for the boiling water circuit. Maximum working pressure 5.0 bar (Ambient (hot and cold) circuit only). 95458xxx models - Boiling circuit has a maximum operating temperature of 100°C. All other circuits have a maximum operating temperature of 65°C. 95459xxx models - Boiling circuit has a maximum operating temperature of 100°C. The ambient circuit has a maximum operating temperature of 65°C. The chilled/sparkling circuit has a maximum operating temperature of 60°C.
Deck mounted, fixed, bath spout (brass bodies with various finishes) with a manual diverter to shower. Maximum working pressure 5.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 85 °C.
Wall mounted spout outlet with chromium plated brass body, incorporating a plastic flow regulator in the inlet. Open outlet use. Maximum operating temperature: 60°C.
Range of wall mounted spout outlets (brass bodies – various finishes), incorporating a plastic aerator. Open outlet use only. Maximum operating temperature 65°C.
Deck mounted spout outlet with chromium plated brass body. The inlet incorporates a plastic flow regulator, and the spout outlet incorporates a plastic flow straightener with an integral strainer. Maximum working pressure: Open Outlet. Maximum operating temperature 60.0°C.
Wall mounted spout with a brass body (various finishes) and a brass rough kit incorporating a stainless-steel strainer and a plastic flow regulator on the inlet of the spout. Open outlet use only. Maximum operating temperature: 60.0°C (10 942 xx0) and 80.0°C (10 941 180)
Deck mounted spout outlets (brass body - various finishes). Maximum operating temperature 65°C
Range of wall mounted spout outlets with chromium plated brass bodies incorporating plastic aerators. Maximum operating temperature 60°C. Open outlet use only.
Range of deck mounted spout outlets (brass bodies - various finishes). Supplied with metal backnuts. Open outlet use only Maximum operating temperature: 60°C
Range of wall mounted spout outlets (brass bodies – various finishes) incorporating NBR O-rings and plastic aerators. Maximum working pressure 10.0 Bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C
Wall mounted spout outlet with a brass body (various finishes) incorporating a plastic aerator. Maximum operating temperature 65°C.
Range of wall mounted spout outlets, (brass bodies - various finishes), supplied with cross top or single lever operating members and trim sets. The spout outlet incorporates a plastic aerator. This product is supplied with a click type waste (not verified by test). Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
Range of wall mounted or floor standing spout outlets (fixed or swivel - see model in various finishes). All models incorporate a plastic flow straightener, except for the 93-Floor Mounted Bath Filler which has a plastic aerator.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 60°C
Range of deck mounted spout outlets (fixed or swivel - see model, Various finishes) incorporating a plastic flow straightener. The products are supplied with metal backnuts.
Non-metallic materials and components comply with BS6920 at 60°C
Range of wall mounted spout outlets with (brass bodies - various finishes) incorporating a plastic aerator in the outlet. Open outlet use only. Maximum operating temperature 60.0°C
Range of spout outlets (brass bodies – various finishes) incorporating a plastic aerator. The product is also supplied with metal backnuts. Maximum working pressure 5.0 Bar Maximum operating temperature 60.0°C
Range of wall mounted spout outlets (brass bodies - various finishes) incorporating a plastic aerator at the outlet. Open outlet use only. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.
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