Swadling Brassware Approvals


Range of wall mounted, three hole, single outlet (fixed) combination tap assemblies with (brass body in various finishes - see model), incorporating quarter turn ceramic disc headworks with various operating members (see model). The spout outlets are available with the following options: Basin: Absolute models: x2 plastic aerator options. Invincible models: no aerator/flow straightener, but two plastic flow regulator options on the spout outlet connection. Illustrious models: x3 plastic aerator options, one of which also incorporates a plastic flow regulator and one which swivels in its housing. Engineer models: x3 plastic aerator options, one of which swivels in its housing. All incorporate a plastic flow regulator. Bath: Absolute models: plastic flow straightener. Invincible models: no aerator/flow straightener. Illustrious models: x2 plastic aerator options. Engineer models: x2 plastic aerator options, one of which swivels in its housing. Maximum working pressure 3.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.

0650 Combination Tap Assemblies
Three hole tap with a single outlet and a fixed spout.
Basin mixer models: ½” BSP (F). Bath mixer models: ¾” BSP (F).
Illustrious Range: Swadling Brassware on operating member. Engineer & Absolute Range: Swadling logo (S within 2 circles) on operating member Invincible Range: Swadling England on operating member. Models added December 2020: Illustrious Range: Swadling on operating member
Installation Requirements:
R001 R010 R040
Expiry date:
Wall Mounted Basin Mixer with Manifold. Illustrious Range: 9690XX, 9693XX, 9696XX, 9699XX. Engineer Range: 8690XX. Invincible Range: 7690XX, 7699XX. Absolute Range, Product Codes: 6690XX, 6700XX. Wall Mounted Bath Mixer with Manifold. Illustrious Range: 9790XX, 9793XX, 9796XX, 9799XX. Engineer Range: 8790XX. Invincible Range: 7790XX, 7799XX. Absolute Range: 6790XX, 6800XX. Models added June 2020: Wall mounted basin mixer: Illustrious – 9691XX, 9692XX Invincible – 7693XX, 7697XX Wall mounted bath mixer: Illustrious – 9791XX, 9792XX Invincible – 7793XX, 7797XX Models added December 2020: Wall mounted basin mixer: Illustrious – 9720XX, 9721XX. 9722XX, 9723XX, 9726XX, 9729XX Wall mounted bath mixer: Illustrious – 9940XX, 9941XX, 9942XX, 9943XX, 9946XX, 9949XX Where XX denotes finish and can be replaced with: NP = Nickel Plate. NB = Nickel Brushed. CP = Chrome Plated. MG = Gold Plated. LB = Living Brass. GB = Gold Brushed. Models added December 2020: BB = Brushed Brass AB = Aged Brass

Approval Holder:
Matki Plc.
Company Name
Matki Plc.
Churchward Road Yate Bristol
BS37 5PL

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Swadling Brassware
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Swadling Brassware

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Range of wall mounted, concealed, flow control valves (brass bodies with trim in various finishes), incorporating a quarter turn ceramic disc headwork with cross top, dome type or single lever operating members. Maximum working pressure 3.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.

2170 Valves
Flow control, manually operated.
See Model
Invincible and Absolute ranges: Swadling logo (S) on end of operating member. Engineer range: Swadling logo (S) logo on side of operating member. Illustrious range: Swadling Brassware on decorative disc or trim set.
Installation Requirements:
R001 R040
Expiry date:
½” BSP female inlet/outlet Illustrious 9072XX, 9073XX, 9079XX & 9078XX. Engineer 8072XX. Invincible 7072XX & 7078XX. Absolute 6072XX. ¾” BSP female inlet/outlet Illustrious 9070XX, 9070RHXX, 9071XX, 9071RHXX, 9075XX, 9075RHXX, 9074XX & 9074RHXX. Engineer 8070XX & 8070RHXX. Invincible 7070XX, 7070RHXX, 7074XX & 7074RHXX. Absolute 6070XX & 6070RHXX. XX denotes finish and is replaced with: NP = Nickle plated. NB = Nickle brushed. CP = Chrome plated. MG = Gold plated. LB = Living brass. GB = Gold brushed. Models added May 2020: ½” BSP female inlet/outlet Illustrious 9077XX ¾” BSP female inlet/outlet Illustrious 9076XX & 9076RHXX

Approval Holder:
Matki Plc.
Company Name
Matki Plc.
Churchward Road Yate Bristol
BS37 5PL

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Swadling Brassware
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Swadling Brassware

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Range of single hole, single outlet (fixed) combination tap assemblies (brass bodies - various finishes), incorporating a ceramic cartridge headwork with a single lever (Absolute range) or dome type (Engineer & Illustrious range) operating member. The spout outlet incorporates a plastic aerator. Maximum working pressure 3.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 60.0°C

0450 Combination Tap Assemblies
Single hole tap with a single outlet and a fixed spout. Taps used in high risk installations, such as kitchen sinks, are considered to be a fluid category 5 risk. Backflow protection is usually provided in the form of an AUK3 tap gap. Where an AUK3 tap gap cannot be maintained, for example where the tap gap is compromised as a result of: • the tap being lowered in any way; • adjustment to the spout which reduces the distance between the tap outlet and spillover level of the sink; • or the operation of a pull out hose attachment; alternative fluid category 5 backflow protection is required.
Stainless steel braided EPDM lined flexible hose with ½” BSP captive nut (Illustrious range) or Stainless steel braided PEX lined flexible hose with ½” BSP captive nut (Engineer and Absolute ranges)
Swadling Brassware on operating member (Illustrious range) or “S” swaddling logo on rear base of body (Engineer & Absolute ranges).
Installation Requirements:
R001 R006 R010
Expiry date:
Illustrious Range: 9920XX, 9923XX, 9926XX, 9929XX & 9922XX. Engineer Range: 8920XX. Absolute Range: 6920XX. XX Denotes the finish. Available In Finishes As Below: NP = Nickel Plated NB = Nickel Brushed CP = Chrome Plated MG = Gold Plated LB = Living Brass GB = Gold Brushed BB = Brushed Brass AB = Aged Brass
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Approval Holder:
Matki Plc.
Company Name
Matki Plc.
Churchward Road Yate Bristol
BS37 5PL

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Swadling Brassware
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Swadling Brassware

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Range of 1, 2 or 3 outlet concealed wall mounted bar type thermostatic mixer valve (various finishes) incorporating a quarter turn ceramic disc headwork controlling the flow using a single lever or cross top operating member depending on the model type. The temperature is controlled independently via a thermostatic cartridge also using a cross top or single lever type operating member (Depending on model). Inlets incorporate stainless steel strainers and approved single check valve cartridges, however, the complete product has not been fully tested to demonstrate it provides backflow protection. some models are supplied with a shower handset and hose. Maximum working pressure 5.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 65.0°C

2010 Shower Valves
Shower valve with thermostatic temperature control
¾” BSP (F)
Swadling on operating member. “S” logo on shower hose nut.
Installation Requirements:
R001 R040
Expiry date:
Concealed Thermostatic Valve - 1 Outlet Illustrious Range: 9100XX, 9103XX, 9106XX, 9109XX & 9101XX, 9102XX. Engineer Range: 8100XX. Invincible Range: 7100XX, 7109XX, 7110XX, 7119XX. Absolute Range: 6100XX. Concealed Thermostatic Valve - 2 Outlet Illustrious Range: 9200XX, 9203XX, 9206XX, 9209XX & 9201XX, 9202XX. Engineer Ranges: 8200XX. Invincible Range: 7200XX, 7209XX, 7210XX, 7219XX. Absolute Range: 6200XX. Concealed Thermostatic Valve - 2 Outlet Plus Extension Manifold (Including Handshower & Hose) Absolute Range:6250XX/Metal. Concealed Thermostatic Valve - 3 Outlet Illustrious Range: 9300XX, 9303XX, 9306XX, 9309XX & 9301XX, 9302XX. Engineer Range: 8300XX. Invincible Range: 7300XX, 7309XX, 7310XX, 7319XX. Absolute Range: 6300XX. Concealed Thermostatic Valve - 3 Outlet Plus Extension Manifold (Including Handshower & Hose) Absolute Range: 6350XX/Metal. XX Denotes finish. Available In Finishes As Below: NP = Nickel Plate NB = Nickel Brushed CP = Chrome Plated MG = Gold Plated LB = Living Brass GB = Gold Brushed BB = Brushed Brass AB = Aged Brass
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Approval Holder:
Matki Plc.
Company Name
Matki Plc.
Churchward Road Yate Bristol
BS37 5PL

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Swadling Brassware
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Swadling Brassware

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Range of deck mounted, manually operated blending valves with brass bodies (various finishes), incorporating ceramic cartridge headworks with either single lever (6900XX/METAL only) or dome type (all other models). The product is supplied with a shower hose and handset. Maximum working pressure 3.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.

2000 Shower Valves
Shower valve with manual temperature control.
R009 only applies to the models supplied with PEX lined hoses.
PEX or EPDM lined hose assemblies with ½” captive nuts
Swadling Brassware or Swadling logo on operating member. Swadling logo on conical nut.
Installation Requirements:
R001 R009 R010 R040
Expiry date:
Illustrious 9900XX, 9903XX, 9906XX, 9909XX & 9902XX. Engineer 8900XX. Absolute 6900XX/METAL. XX denotes finish and can be replaced with: NP = Nickel Plate. NB = Nickel Brushed. CP = Chrome Plated. MG = Gold Plated. LB = Living Brass. GB = Gold Brushed. BB = Brushed Brass. AB = Aged Brass.
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Approval Holder:
Matki Plc.
Company Name
Matki Plc.
Churchward Road Yate Bristol
BS37 5PL

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Swadling Brassware
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Swadling Brassware

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Range of three hole, single outlet (fixed) combination tap assemblies with brass bodies (various finishes - see model), incorporating quarter turn ceramic disc headworks with various operating members (see model). The products are supplied with stainless steel braided EDPM lined flexible hose assemblies incorporating ¾” captive nut end connections for installation between the headworks and the spout. The spout outlet incorporates either a plastic flow straightener or plastic aerator (see model). The invincible range is supplied with a plastic back nut, all other models are supplied with metal back nuts. Maximum working pressure 3.0 bar. Maximum working temperature 60°C.

0650 Combination Tap Assemblies
Three hole tap with a single outlet and a fixed spout.
¾” BSP (M)
Illustrious Range: Swadling "S" on base plate of hot operating member. Absolute Range: Swadling "S" on end of hot operating member. Invincible Range: Swadling England on top of operating members
Installation Requirements:
R001 R005 R007 R010
Expiry date:
Illustrious Range (aerators, cross top operating members): 9760XX, 9763XX, 9766XX, 9769XX, 9761XX, 9762XX, 9780XX, 9781XX, 9782XX, 9783XX, 9786XX, 9789XX. Absolute Range (flow straightener, single lever operating members): 6760XX. Invincible Range (flow straightener, cross top and single lever operating members): 7760XX, 7769XX, 7750XX, 7759XX, 7764XX, 7765XX, 7754XX, 7755XX. Where XX denotes finish and can be replaced with: NP = Nickel Plate, NB = Nickel Brushed, CP = Chrome Plated, MG = Gold Plated, LB = Living Brass, GB = Gold Brushed, BB = Brushed Brass, AB = Aged Brass.
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Approval Holder:
Makti PLC
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Makti PLC

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Swadling Brassware
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Swadling Brassware

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Three hole, single outlet (fixed) combination tap assembly with a brass body (various finishes - see model), incorporating quarter turn ceramic disc headworks with dome type operating members. The products are supplied with stainless steel braided EDPM lined flexible hose assemblies incorporating ¾” captive nut end connections for installation between the headworks and the spout. The spout outlet incorporates a plastic aerator. The product is supplied with metal back nuts. Maximum working pressure 3.0 bar. Maximum working temperature 60°C.

0650 Combination Tap Assemblies
Three hole tap with a single outlet and a fixed spout.
¾” BSP (M).
Swadling "S" on base plate of hot operating member.
Installation Requirements:
R001 R006 R007 R010
Expiry date:
Engineer Range: 8760XX. Where XX denotes finish and can be replaced with: NP = Nickel Plate, NB = Nickel Brushed, CP = Chrome Plated, MG = Gold Plated, LB = Living Brass, GB = Gold Brushed, BB = Brushed Brass, AB = Aged Brass.

Approval Holder:
Makti PLC
Company Name
Makti PLC

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Swadling Brassware
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Swadling Brassware

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Range of three hole, single outlet (fixed) combination tap assemblies with brass bodies (various finishes - see model), incorporating quarter turn ceramic disc headworks with various operating members (see models). The products are supplied with two stainless steel braided EPDM lined flexible hose assemblies with ½” captive nut end connections for installation between the side valves and the spout. The spout outlet incorporates a plastic aerator. Maximum working pressure 3.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.

0650 Combination Tap Assemblies
Three hole tap with a single outlet and a fixed spout.
½” BSP (M).
Absolute: Swadling S logo on operating member. Engineer range: Swadling S logo on side valve collar. IIlustrious range 9603, 9606, 9601, 9602, 9683, 9686, 9681, 9682 models: Swadling S logo on spout. IIlustrious range 9600, 9609, 9689 and 9680 models: 'Swadling Brassware' on operating members. Invincible range: 'Swadling England' on operating members.
Installation Requirements:
R001 R006 R010
Expiry date:
Illustrious Range (Cross top operating members): 9600XX, 9603XX, 9606XX, 9609XX, 9680XX, 9683XX, 9686XX, 9689XX, 9601XX, 9602XX, 9681XX, 9682XX, 9910XX, 9911XX, 9912XX, 9913XX, 9916XX, 9919XX. Engineer Range (Dome type operating members): 8600XX, 8650XX. Absolute Range (Single lever operating members): 6680XX. Invincible Range (Cross top operating members): 7720XX, 7729XX, 7724XX, 7725XX. Invincible Range (Single lever operating members): 7740XX, 7749XX, 7744XX, 7745XX. Where XX denotes finish and can be replaced with the following: NP = Nickel Plate, NB = Nickel Brushed, CP = Chrome Plated, MG = Gold Plated, LB = Living Brass, GB = Gold Brushed, BB = Brushed Brass, AB = Aged Brass.
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Approval Holder:
Matki Plc.
Company Name
Matki Plc.
Churchward Road Yate Bristol
BS37 5PL

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Swadling Brassware
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Swadling Brassware

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Three hole, single outlet (fixed) combination tap assembly with a brass body (various finishes - see model), incorporating quarter turn ceramic disc headworks with single lever operating members. The products are supplied with two stainless steel braided EPDM lined flexible hose assemblies with ½” captive nut end connections for installation between the side valves and the spout. The spout outlet incorporates a combined plastic aerator. Maximum working pressure 3.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 60°C.

0650 Combination Tap Assemblies
Three hole tap with a single outlet and a fixed spout.
½” BSP (M).
Swadling S logo on operating member.
Installation Requirements:
R001 R005 R010
Expiry date:
Absolute Range: 6600XX Where XX denotes finish and can be replaced with the following: NP = Nickel Plate, NB = Nickel Brushed, CP = Chrome Plated, MG = Gold Plated, LB = Living Brass, GB = Gold Brushed, BB = Brushed Brass, AB = Aged Brass.
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Approval Holder:
Matki Plc.
Company Name
Matki Plc.
Churchward Road Yate Bristol
BS37 5PL

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Swadling Brassware
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Swadling Brassware

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