IRN R360

No supply pipe or secondary circuit shall be permanently connected to a closed circuit for filling a heating system unless it incorporates a backflow prevention device in accordance with a specification approved by the regulator for the purposes of this schedule.


Where the level of risk is no greater than a fluid category 3,

  • The circuits may be filled or replenished by means of a temporary connection between the primary circuit and the supply pipe. An ‘Approved’ double check valve shall be installed at the point of connection to the supply pipe.


  • The circuits may be filled or replenished by means of a permanent connection between the primary circuit and the supply pipe may be made via a CA backflow prevention device or some other no less effective backflow prevention device. The CA device must be fitted in accordance with IRN 510.


Where the level of risk is no greater than a fluid category 4

  • The circuits may be filled or replenished by means of a permanent connection between the primary circuit and the supply pipe may be made via a BA (RPZ) backflow prevention device. This device is Notifiable under Regulation 5 in accordance with IRN 415 & 425.

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