Section Code 1890 :
Back To Directory SectionsRange of indirectly heated stainless-steel storage cylinders. The secondary circuit is factory fitted with a temperature and pressure relief valve set at 7.0 bar@90˚C. A safety kit (manifold) consisting of a check valve, strainer, an expansion relief valve set at 6.0 bar and a pressure reducing valve set at 3.5 bar is provided. A tundish, expansion vessel and an approved filling loop is also supplied Maximum working pressure secondary circuit 5.5 bar. Maximum operating pressure primary circuit 2.5 bar. Maximum operating temperature 70˚C.
Indirectly heated stainless steel storage cylinders. The secondary circuit is factory fitted with a temperature and pressure relief valve set at 7.0 bar@90˚C. A safety kit (manifold) consisting of a check valve (verified by test, suitable for backflow protection against Fluid category 2) strainer, an expansion relief valve set at 6.0 bar and pressure reducing valve set at 3.0 bar and a T Type thermostatic cartridge controlling the temperature. A tundish and expansion vessel is also supplied. Maximum working pressure secondary circuit 5.5 bar. Maximum operating pressure primary circuit 3.5 bar. Maximum operating temperature 90˚C.
Fabdec ‘Excelsior’ ranges of direct, indirect, solar direct and solar indirect stainless steel insulated unvented hot water storage cylinders with internal expansion. The DHW circuit consists of a temperature and pressure relief valve set at 7.0 bar 95°C, an inlet manifold consisting of an in-line pressure reducing valve adjustable between 2.7 & 3.3 bar (but factory set @ 3.0 bar), an approved check valve cartridge, verified by test (suitable for backflow protection against Fluid Category 2), a pre-set expansion relief valve set at 6.0 bar and a strainer. The product is supplied with a tundish. Maximum supply pressure to pressure reducing valve is 10.0 bar. Maximum working pressure Primary circuit 6.0 bar. Maximum working pressure Secondary circuit 5.5 bar. Maximum operating temperature 85˚C.
Range of vertical cased and insulated direct and indirect unvented stainless steel hot water storage cylinders. The storage cylinders incorporate an internal air bubble to accommodate the expansion of hot water. The DHW circuit has a factory fitted temperature and pressure relief valve set at 10.0@90˚C. The inlet control group includes a pressure reducing valve set at 3.0 bar, single check valve cartridge (verified by test and suitable for backflow protection against Fluid Category 2) and a expansion valve set at 8.0 bar. The products are supplied with a tundish and a motorised valve to be installed on the primary indirect circuit. Maximum supply pressure to the pressure reducing valve is 12.0 bar. Maximum working pressure of primary circuit is 6.0 bar. Maximum secondary circuit is 9.5 bar. Maximum operating temperature 85°C.
Advance Appliance ranges of direct, indirect, solar direct and solar indirect stainless steel insulated unvented hot water storage cylinders with internal expansion. The DHW circuit consists of a temperature and pressure relief valve set at 7.0 bar 95°C, an inlet manifold consisting of an in-line pressure reducing valve adjustable between 2.7 & 3.3 bar (but factory set @ 3.0 bar), an approved check valve cartridge, verified by test (suitable for backflow protection against Fluid Category 2), a pre-set expansion relief valve set at 6.0 bar and a strainer. The product is supplied with a tundish. Maximum supply pressure to pressure reducing valve is 10.0 bar. Maximum working pressure Primary circuit 6.0 bar. Maximum working pressure Secondary circuit 5.5 bar. Maximum operating temperature 85˚C.
Range of “Tempest” Indirect and direct unvented storage cylinders consisting of factory fitted single or twin coil circuit with either a primary or solar coil. The secondary circuit is factory fitted with a temperature and pressure relief valve set at 7.0 bar@90˚C. The product is supplied with an inlet control group (safety kit) consisting of a pressure reducing valve adjustable between 2.7 and 3.3 bar, strainer, an expansion relief valve set at 6.0 bar and a check valve cartridge (verified by test - suitable for backflow protection against Fluid Category 2). A tundish and expansion vessel are also provided. Maximum supply pressure to the inlet control group 10.0 bar. Maximum working pressures: Secondary circuit 3.0 bar, Primary Circuit 3.0 bar & Solar circuit 5.5 bar. Maximum operating temperature 65°C.
Whitewolf Alpha ranges of Direct, Indirect, Solar Single, Solar Twin, Slim Direct and Slim Indirect stainless steel insulated unvented hot water storage cylinders with external expansion. The DHW circuit consists of a temperature and pressure relief valve set at 7.0 bar and 90°C, an inlet control group consisting of a pressure reducing valve adjustable between 2.7 and 3.3 bar, an expansion relief valve (SRV) set at 6.0 bar, a strainer and a check valve cartridge, verified by test (suitable for backflow protection against Fluid Category 2) also supplied with a tundish. Maximum supply pressure to the inlet control group 10.0 bar. Maximum working pressures - Primary circuit 6.0 bar, Secondary circuit 5.5 bar. Maximum operating temperature 65˚C.
Elite ranges of Direct, Indirect, Solar Single, Solar Twin, Slim Direct and Slim Indirect stainless steel insulated unvented hot water storage cylinders with external expansion. The DHW circuit consists of a temperature and pressure relief valve set at 7.0 bar and 90°C, an inlet control group consisting of a pressure reducing valve adjustable between 2.7 and 3.3 bar, an expansion relief valve (SRV) set at 6.0 bar, a strainer and a check valve cartridge, verified by test (suitable for backflow protection against Fluid Category 2) also supplied with a tundish. Maximum supply pressure to the inlet control group 10.0 bar. Maximum working pressures - Primary circuit 6.0 bar, Secondary circuit 5.5 bar. Maximum operating temperature 65˚C.
Flowcyl ranges of Direct, Indirect, Solar Single, Solar Twin, Slim Direct and Slim Indirect stainless steel insulated unvented hot water storage cylinders with external expansion. The DHW circuit consists of a temperature and pressure relief valve set at 7.0 bar and 90°C, an inlet control group consisting of a pressure reducing valve adjustable between 2.7 and 3.3 bar, an expansion relief valve (SRV) set at 6.0 bar, a strainer and a check valve cartridge, verified by test (suitable for backflow protection against Fluid Category 2) also supplied with a tundish. Maximum supply pressure to the inlet control group 10.0 bar. Maximum working pressures - Primary circuit 6.0 bar, Secondary circuit 5.5 bar. Maximum operating temperature 65˚C.
Nucyl ranges of Direct & Indirect stainless steel insulated unvented hot water storage cylinders with external expansion. The DHW circuit consists of a temperature and pressure relief valve set at 7.0 bar and 90°C, an inlet control group consisting of a pressure reducing valve adjustable between 2.7 and 3.3 bar, an expansion relief valve (SRV) set at 6.0 bar, a strainer and a check valve cartridge, verified by test (suitable for backflow protection against Fluid Category 2) also supplied with a tundish. Maximum supply pressure to the inlet control group 10.0 bar. Maximum working pressures - Primary circuit 6.0 bar, Secondary circuit 5.5 bar. Maximum operating temperature 65˚C.
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