Section Code 1307 : Urinals.
Back To Directory SectionsRange of urinal flushing mechanisms with a solenoid valve controlling the flow. The valves are controlled via an infra-red sensor. Maximum working pressure 6.0 bar. Cold water use only.
Range of urinal autosyphons with a plastic body & supplied with plastic backnuts.
Range of infra-red controlled urinal flush valves and link box, incorporating a stainless-steel strainer, flow straightener. The unit comprises a normally closed solenoid valve and an infra-red sensor. Maximum working pressure 10.0 bar. Maximum operating temperature 85°C.
Range of urinal flushing mechanisms with a solenoid valve controlling the flow. The valves are controlled via an infra-red sensor. The inlet incorporates a stainless steel strainer and flow regulator. Maximum working pressure 10.0 bar. Cold water use only.
Range of automatic urinal flush valves with a plastic body. STD - Maximum working pressure 6.0 bar. LP - Maximum working pressure 0.5 bar. Cold water use only
Range of urinal flushing mechanisms incorporating nylon bodies and a solenoid valve which controls the flow and is actuated via an infra-red sensor. The inlet of the solenoid valve incorporates a stainless-steel strainer. Maximum working pressure 5.0 bar. Cold water use only.
Range of urinal flushing mechanisms with a solenoid valve controlling the flow with EPDM rubber diaphragm. The valves are controlled via an infra-red sensor. The product also incorporates a servicing valve, DC pipe interrupter and flow regulator. Maximum working pressure - 6 Bar. Maximum operating temperature - 23 °C.
Urinal flush control valve with the flow controlled by a solenoid valve and operated via a PIR sensor. Maximum working pressure 6 bar. Maximum operating temperature 23°C
Range of urinal flushing mechanisms, consisting of a solenoid valve controlling the flow which is actuated via an infra-red sensor. Models are either mains or battery operated and are available in a variety of enclosure options Maximum operating pressure 8 bar. Maximum operating temperature 23°C
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