Kingfisher Approvals


Range of expansion vessels with butyl membranes. Maximum working pressure 8.0, 10.0, 16.0 or 20.0 bar (please refer to model). Maximum operating temperature 70 or 100°C (please refer to model).

1000 Expansion Vessels
WRAS Approval Number:
Expiry date:
Expansion vessels should be installed in the vertical orientation and located so as to minimise the length of any connecting pipework.
Please refer to model.
FLOMASTA, capacity, maximum operating pressure and other technical information on adhesive label on body.
Installation Requirements:
FLOMASTA POTABLE EXPANSION VESSEL (2 Litres): 10.0 Bar, 100°C, ½” BSP (M). FLOMASTA POTABLE EXPANSION VESSEL (5 Litres): 10.0 Bar, 100°C, ¾” BSP (M). FLOMASTA POTABLE EXPANSION VESSEL (8 & 12 Litres): 10.0 Bar, 100°C, ¾” BSP (M). FLOMASTA POTABLE EXPANSION VESSELS (18 & 24 Litres): 10.0 Bar, 100°C, 1” BSP (M).
Approval Holder:
Company Name
Castorama France Parc D'activite Rue de l'epinoy 59175 - Templemars

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