Electric instantaneous main fed water heaters with stainless steel bodies, EPDM O-rings, silicone seal (40132212 model only), and fibre gaskets. The heaters are supplied with an inlet safety control group consisting of a pressure reducing valve (adjustable between 2.7 and 3.3 bar), pre-set expansion relief valve set at 6.0 bar, a check valve cartridge, verified by test (suitable for backflow protection against Fluid Category 2) and an expansion vessel. They are also supplied with a stainless steel braided PEX lined flexible hose assembly incorporating ½” and ⅜” captive nut end connections, and ⅜” BSP (M) brass equal tee for installation prior to the inlet safety control group. The outlet arrangement on the 40132212 model only combines the near boiling water outlet and cold inlet supply via a thermostatic mixing valve, as well as a separate outlet for near boiling water. The outlet arrangement of the 40132312 model supplies near boiling water. The products are supplied with a tundish for installation on the outlet of the safety relief valve. Maximum inlet supply pressure to inlet safety control group 10.0 bar. Maximum working pressure 5.5 bar. Cold supply (inlet). Maximum operating temperature 99°C (water heater and near boiling outlet both models), 90°C (for hot water outlet via thermostatic mixing valve 40132212 model only).
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